Offering the unhoused a fresh start

Reinventing India's oldest fountain pen brand

Teaching children about Butterflies

Branding USC's sustainability efforts

Raising the elegance level for a fashion brand

Branding a communications platform for small groups

Helping a luxury salon become a brand

Building an architect's brand

Green Hasson Janks

“As little design as possible”

Transforming a venerable dance company

Expressing the promise of exceptional healthcare

Listening to what women want

Simple solutions for a lasting impression

Harnessing design's power for quantitative results

A timeless solution for a jazz icon

Taking a spa brand beyond the spa

Standing out in a noisy marketplace

Making .NET cool

Creating a brand that stands out, by blending in

"Just cut to the chase!"

Thinking small

Gamifying food delivery

Facility legacy projects

Creating a visual vocabulary

Environmental Branding at Caltech

A sampling of Logos